25 activities FOR AN 18 MONTH OLD [SIMPLE & super FUN!]

Toddler’s interest spans are notoriously short, which you’ve most likely realized if you’ve ever tried to entertain your 18 month old for an hour, let alone a whole day or week. At this age, your tot is likely checking out their atmosphere at a quick pace. They are likewise most likely getting into whatever possible in the process. keep them entertained, engaged as well as discovering with these 25 fun young child activities that are perfect for an 18-month-old.

25 fun activities for an 18 Month Old

Sensory Play Activities

Both energy as well as emotions tend to be high with toddlers, so sensory play activities are great! They bring a bit of calm to your 18-month-old’s day. The choices are almost endless when it comes to sensory experiences, however right here are a few concepts to get you started:

Taste-Safe Sensory Doughs ”“ utilize non-toxic dough as well as child-safe cookie cutters to motivate your kid to smash, squish as well as roll the dough, in addition to producing fun shapes.

Rice/Chickpea Bin ”“ fill a plastic bin with rice or chickpeas as well as motivate free-play. let your kid utilize his hands in the bin, however likewise provide spoons as well as scoops to aid in his exploration.

Chasing Bubbles ”“ If the weather condition permits, take your 18-month-old outside as well as strike bubbles for him to chase, grab as well as stomp on. These bubble machines make it so fun since you can jump around as well as play, too!

Shaving cream Play ”“ this can get a bit untidy as well as is finest done right before bath time! Spray shaving cream onto a table or tray. then let your kid utilize their fingers to spread, smear as well as “paint” in it.

Pom-Pom Sticky wall ”“ utilize painter’s tape to secure a get in touch with paper to the wall ”“ the sticky side dealing with out. provide your kiddo with vibrant pom-poms as well as let them produce a masterpiece.

Creative Play Activities

Creative as well as imaginative play assists young children establish physical, intellectual as well as social skills ”“ as well as it’s fun! Unleash your 18 month old’s imagination with these activities:

Painting with Nature ”“ Head outside as well as grab a few sticks, rocks, leaves or flowers for a special painting project. motivate your kid to utilize these things, instead of a paintbrush, to produce his next masterpiece.

Marble Art ”“ If painting is a preferred activity, grab an empty show box as well as squirt several paint colors inside. Next, have your young child decrease marbles into the box as well as roll them around to produce fun marble art. I like these bigger marbles, as they are less likely to end up in your kiddo’s mouth. 

Mess-Free painting ”“ To enjoy paint while keeping the mess at bay, squirt paint into a plastic bag as well as tape each side to a table or window utilizing easy-to-remove painter’s tape. Your kid can finger paint mess-free by manipulating the paint inside the plastic.

Velcro blocks ”“ At 18 months, your young child likely likes trying to stack blocks. However, it’s typical for him to be frustrated at his restricted stacking skills at this age. add Velcro to wooden blocks for additional tacking power ”“ plus, he’ll like pulling the blocks apart, too.

Sticker Mural ”“ integrating both sensory as well as innovative play, stickers are a young child favorite. attach a big piece of butcher paper to the wall as well as let your young child produce a sticker mural!

Stacking games ”“ Sometimes, it’s the most mundane material that entertains 18-month-olds the most. provide your young child a lots paper cups or LEGOS as well as let him stack as well as play.

Nature Play activities for 18 Month Olds

Sometimes, store-bought toys as well as games just won’t do. When your 18-month-old needs a modification of pace, let mom Nature entertain him with activities like these:

Dissecting flowers ”“ For a young child with hectic fingers as well as a curious mind, there’s nothing more fun than pulling petals as well as leaves from different kinds of flowers.

Nature Soup ”“ provide your kiddo a container of water as well as let him fill it with “soup ingredients” like rocks, plants, dirt, as well as grass. Don’t fail to remember a huge spoon for stirring!

Mud Play ”“ Did you understand that playing in the dirt is understood to boost a child’s immune system? Je to pravda! No requirement to wait on rain either; you can utilize a water table or empty sandbox to mix up your own mud. trust me, you will have hours of untidy fun.

Nature Sticky bracelet ”“ Make a bracelet for your kid utilizing tape, making sure to keep the sticky side dealing with away from his skin. let him gather all the awesome things he can discover in your lawn or the park as well as connect them to his bracelet.

Nature walk ”“ Fresh air is great for both the body as well as mind. think about a nature walk where you gather all the fascinating things your 18-month-old fInd. Môžete s nimi urobiť koláž neskôr alebo ich využiť v budúcej dávke prírodnej polievky.

Aktivity na vodu

Možno, že jedna z najvýznamnejších zmyslových aktivít pre 18 mesiacov, si Water Play zaslúži svoju vlastnú klasifikáciu, pretože existuje toľko možností. Zamyslite sa nad aktivitami ako:

Washing Toys “„ S najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou ich napriek tomu vyžaduje vyčistenie. Prečo si nevystavovať svoje malé dieťa na umývadlo a urobiť mu bublinkový kúpeľ, aby vyčistil všetky jeho hračky?

Umývanie ovocia “„ Nechajte svoje dieťa pomáhať príprave na občerstvenie tým, že umývajú jablká. Všetko, čo požadujete, je nádoba s vodou, ako aj čistá zubná kefka na čistenie.

Naberanie, ako aj nalievanie. “„ Je to také jednoduché, ako sa dá, ale môže zaberať 18-mesačný, zatiaľ čo pomáha pri rozvoji jemných motorických zručností. Poskytnite nádobu plnú vody, prázdnu nádobu, ako aj lopatku, ako aj motivujte ho, aby naberal a nalial všetku vodu do prázdneho vedra.

Lego Bath “„ Pridajte novú mieru úroku do kúpeľného času pridaním súpravy LEGO Duplo (prepojená súprava je pre 2+, takže pozorne sledujte a vyberte malé kúsky!) ALEBO podobnú vodnú hračku ako voda.

Aktivity v kuchyni pre 18 mesiacov

Jednou z najťažších vecí pre rodičov môže byť pobavenie malého dieťaťa pri pokuse o varenie jedla. Získajte svoje dieťa zahrnuté do práce v kuchynskej oblasti, aby ste na neho mohli dávať pozor, zatiaľ čo jedlo na jedlo “„ Je to obojstranne výhodné! Práve tu je niekoľko aktivít, ktoré môžete vyskúšať:

Banán sa odlupuje “„ Pre túto aktivitu nakrájajte banán na tenké plátky, pričom šupka je stále zapnutá. Potom nechajte svoje malé dieťa odlupovať každý kus individuálne “„ a samozrejme ho zjesť!

Varenie batoľa “„ Ak máte v skrinkách nejaký druh zastaraných obilnín alebo vypršaných korenín, nechajte svojho 18-mesačného starodávneho získať inovatívne a integrovať všetko do miešacej misky. Pridajte vodu a nechajte ho premiešať aj „variť“ rovnako ako vy.

Cookie Sheet Magnet Play “„ Popadnite sadu magnetov bezpečných pre batoľa, ako sú tieto rozkošné drevené zvieratá, ako aj kovový plech. Nechajte svoj kúsok usporiadať a usporiadať magnety na plachte!

Muffin Cínové triediace hry “„ Zmiešajte rôzne občerstvenie (ako sú sušienky zlatých rýb, ako aj Cheerios) v miske a požiadajte svoje malé dieťa, aby zapálilo každý typ občerstvenia do inej časti muffinovej plechovky.

Jogurt maľba “„ Pridajte trochu sfarbenia jedla do niekoľkých malých nádob jogurtu a nechajte svoj kúsok „maľovať“ tanier prstom alebo lyžičkou.

Aj keď potrebuje určitú fantáziu a vynaliezavosť na udržanie 18-mesačného hektického a zapojeného, ​​vyššie uvedené aktivity poskytujú potrebné odbytiská pre jeho rýchlo rastúci mozog, ako aj jeho hektické malé detské telo.

Rovnako sa vám páči:

52 Super zábavné veci, ktoré sa dajú skončiť s malými deťmi [ľahké a zábavné aktivity]

10 najlepších dojčenských chodcov pre vaše dieťa v pohybe

Zachráňte chrbát s najlepšími malými detskými nosičmi!

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